Simple Tips To Be A Good Writer

( How to be a good writer? I’m sharing some of the best tips)

Jwngsat Narzary
3 min readOct 1, 2023
Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Today is the second day of my 30-day challenge ahead. I’m taking three topics(niches) to write about in 30 days. Writing tips, writing and productivity are the niches I am going to focus on.

In this article, I am going to write about “how to be a better writer”. In case you are looking for “how to grow on Medium”, you can always read tips and strategies here. I’ve written several of them and it will certainly help new writers on Medium.

Let’s get back to the main topic of this article. It can be summed up by asking this simple question — How to be a good writer? The question seems to be a simple one. It’s not. If it were, any writer could’ve built a large audience easily.

Take a minute and guess what points need to be focused on to be a good writer. If you are done, here’s my list of tips on the same topic —

  1. Reading A Lot: Christopher Taylor, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English, once said: "You can improve your writing skills by reading a lot, reviewing grammar practising your craft. Most importantly, aim to write simple clear sentences that make your point directly." The simple advice, but too important. His words can be summed up in another sentence — Good writers are good readers.
  2. Be Specific: Another factor that defines a good writer is “specificity”. Good writers are always specific to their point. They make concise and clear ideas on the subject rather than using excess sentences. Good writers often compare two things, either with a metaphor, simile or direct comparison, to draw a clear picture of what they are talking about. This is to help readers understand the topic better.
  3. Avoid Using “Really”&“Very”: Don’t use “Really” and “Very” too much in your sentences. It will spoil your writing.
  4. Carefully structure your Paragraphs: Focus on your paragraphs. Take into consideration the quality, length and intensity of your paragraph. Often I see a lot, yes, in the case of mine too, a long paragraph but with little value. Intensity(here) means the amount of exact value it provides.

I’ve provided the above-mentioned tips. Now, I’ll provide additional tips on how you can improve yourself to be a good writer.

  1. Write Everyday: Writing every day is the best way to improve your writing skills. It will help you build a habit and develop your writing skills as you practice each day. Get yourself into a challenge, like 30 days, 60 days, or 120 days. Set goals for each and accomplish them right away.
  2. Connect with writers: Writer should read others' works too. It’s there important for writers to connect, just like here on Medium. Read as much, and provide feedback for each other.
  3. Edit without mercy: I’ve often come across this phrase “Edit Without Mercy”. Your writing can be 2x times better than the original on the first edit, 2.5x on the second and 2.75x on the third edit. These values are taken on average. Therefore, editing your work is crucial. Edit your drafts without mercy.
  4. Spend Time Around Nature: Philosophers and Thinkers are more often connected with nature. Poets are another group of people that are deeply connected with nature. Nature can be the best environment to acquire new ideas and hone your writing skills.
  5. Rewriting Your Work: Rewriting helps you improve your writing. It’s not the same with “edit”. First, write, then rewrite and edit.

I hope the list was valuable for you. Do you have any favourite tips other than the ones mentioned? Tell me in the comment section. I’ll add it in the update section. For now, I’ll leave here. Happy writing, dear writers.

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Jwngsat Narzary

1x Top Writer In Poetry Section. I write about Writing || Writing Tips || Productivity || Technology || Programming. I'm Asian🇮🇳